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About Us

At TFM, we pride ourselves on a progressive approach to program development. We understand that no two individuals are the same and we strive to create relevant, personalised activities that are engaging and actionable for individuals and their families. Too often, we encounter clients who are struggling to find programs that cater to their unique strengths, challenges and areas of development. With this in mind, and through the NDIS and its wide array of service categories, we develop appropriate programs that are steeped in outdoor experiences and physical movement to foster emotional, social and physical growth.

Our caring mentors facilitate TFMs programs with their expertise in physical activity as well as their passion for and experience in service- and support-related roles. They are well versed in developing a rapport with individuals, tuning in to specific needs and challenges individuals may face and advocating these successfully in a variety of environments. Although physical movement and coaching are a large part of our programs, we believe that the nurturing of an individual comes first and training, physical movement and coaching are secondary.

An exciting part of TFMs experience is the potential for individuals and families to develop social skills and broaden their social network with other members of TFMs family. Once established in personalised programs, individuals have the opportunity to connect with other individuals and families via facilitated activities, including camps, retreats and workshops, which are designed and cater for a range of levels and ages.

Why not book a consult with us to discuss your needs?

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